A Beacon shares the effect of the Grandmothers and Net of Light on her life:
The Net of Light, and the Grandmothers, are an answer to a life long quest. I was raised Catholic, so thought becoming a nun was what I was called to. Even then I didn’t see a problem with believing in reincarnation or the Edgar Casey teachings, but in becoming a nun, I only lasted a year …
Life took over; I tried Buddhism, got married and then divorced. I became a teacher, raised my wonderful children to adulthood, but still felt that pull of the Divine. I was still longing to be a channel for grace in the world, or a monk without a monastery as Caroline Myss puts it.
Then a Facebook message from the Grandmothers posted by someone I didn’t know hooked me, so I bought the books and read them. That was it. I’ve always been blessed to feel the Divine in my life, even when things get ‘messy’ … or maybe especially when life gets messy. But I feel that everything I’ve done in my life has brought me to this point of working with the Net of Light and the Grandmothers and now the Great Mother.
It is the big doing without doing. Or as you have written, the effortless effort. To be nothing but your glorious self, and know that THAT is what you are supposed to be. It is walking around with this incredible secret that you are helping the world without standing on a soapbox and screaming.
It is a great comfort in these turbulent times; it is beginning to recognize the feminine rising in the world in subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways.
So I live in gratitude, even when the world is in chaos, knowing that I am helping light the Net and the Net is holding me up. I look forward to each and every message from the Grandmothers. I think a book of the messages would be awesome. One that we could flip open and read when we need a personal reminder.
Thank you for everything.