How Can I Help?

How Can I Help?

February 22, 2025 Newsletter

How Can I Help?

~The Great Council of the Grandmothers

Note from Sharon—

You ask us, “How can I help?” the Grandmothers said. “When you feel the anguish of your world, you want to help lift the pain and suffering, you want to reach out to others. We love that you care so much and want to serve. Your world is suffering now,” they said, and there were tears in their eyes. “Many are lost now and some are so troubled that they are turning against life itself, purposefully causing suffering and misery. There is much,” the Grandmothers said, “that you can do.

“Feed the hungry, help the sick, provide for those who are in want. And speak the truth,” they said. “Do not be afraid to speak out against those who are causing harm. Those who do evil to others are lost. They have no understanding and their hearts are closed, so someone needs to speak up. But when you speak, speak truth in a kindly way. Those who are lost are also suffering. No one who creates pain for another lives a happy life. These lost ones also deserve to be found, so pray for them.

We remind you to always turn to the Divine before you act. Turn first to us or to any form of the Divine you love. That way your actions will support life, they will do no harm but will foster only good. And don’t speak ill of anyone,” the Grandmothers said, “no matter how cruelly they may behave. Simply speak the truth, and then let your actions be motivated by love. We are with you now, during this most difficult time on Earth.”

2-23-25, the Great Council of the Grandmothers

~Sharon and the Net of Light Team


Letter from Germany

This Sunday (23rd February) a new government will be elected in Germany. Emotions are running high, especially since our country (like so many others) has faced several challenges during the last years and feels shaken up and uncertain of its future.

Yesterday, I read a small text in the third of the Grandmothers’ books where you were taught by Bear how to weave the Net of Light even more closely and intricately and it inspired me to reach out to other Net of Light women I am personally in contact with, to ask them whether they would join me in knitting the strands of the Net of Light, especially finely and closely during these last days of the upcoming election, in this way to cover our whole country with a densely worked blanket of light, love, peace and comfort. It felt very important to me, and many women willingly responded. I am glad to know that we will be holding the Net of Light together for our country in this time.

However, this morning, I was reminded that we are all part of one big beehive and it made me want to reach out even further to the larger Net of Light community to ask whether even more women would like to join us in weaving and knitting the Net of Light tightly and lovingly during the next days. We welcome every support in amplifying the energy flowing through the Net of Light which will bless our country and work towards the greatest good of all.

If you would like to support this “weaving request”, I would be very happy if you could forward this mail to whomever you think it to be appropriate.

Thank you very much!
