“Be Resolute in Your Commitment to Anchor Love and Light on Earth”

“Be Resolute in Your Commitment  to Anchor Love and Light on Earth”

“Be Resolute in Your Commitment to Anchor Love and Light on Earth”

~The Great Council of the Grandmothers

I woke this morning to a sharp awareness of the many crises on earth now—feeling a sense of upheaval all over the globe. Floods, Fire, Change, Revolution, War, Destruction, Calamities. All of it and it was everywhere. I saw and felt its magnitude, and as I stared it down, a great peace came over me.

“Resolute,” the Grandmothers said. “Be resolute in your commitment to anchor love and light on earth. Resolute in caring for one another and resolute in remembering that the Divine carries you at all times. Resolute in shedding left-over attachments to seeing yourself as separate and alone. And resolute to always, at every moment, choosing Oneness.

“This anchoring in light is what you’re feeling,” they said, “and it will see you through the challenging times that are here. The peace that’s come over you will usher you into happiness. Stay the course,” the Grandmothers said. “Call on us or any form of the Divine you love. Call us daily, hourly and minute by minute. The challenge of these times you are living in is far beyond your comprehension. What is happening is not something you can understand. These are indeed ‘the times that try men’s souls,’ but your soul,” they reminded me, “is wedded to the Source. You are not separate so you do not flounder alone. You swim with the current and we remind you that together we are the current.

So love each other as you go through these trying times. Share yourselves while you laugh and play in the light together. You are a beautiful Being of Light and you are not alone. You are part of a great movement, a relentless forward movement of light, of good, of great happiness for all. You are part of that!” they said. “Remember that! You are part of the Fabric of Being, one with the great Fabric of Being of the Universe. This Fabric is unfolding now, unfolding and exposing its magnificent beauty.

“ All will be made clear. Never doubt it.”

—The Great Council of the Grandmothers, OCT. 4, 2024