“This is a Time of Great Opening”

“This is a Time of Great Opening”

“This is a time of great opening,” the Grandmothers said. “At this moment in history, Earth and all who love Her are opening to the truth of Oneness.  Unity.  One Family. 

“You are One,” they said. “We are One, and each is a part of the great Net of Light. The Net of Light is the Fabric of Being of the Universe, the loving, living construct that connects life everywhere. Several years ago, we, the Great Council of the Grandmothers, called you to this work with us,” they said, “and together we healed and awakened the great Net/Web/Grid of Light that is holding the earth at this critical time. Because of the work we have done together, today you are held in love and light and you are holding everyone and everything in love and light. All of this,” they laughed, “is taking place at the same moment! We tell you that you are a walking miracle,” the Grandmothers said, “and your steady work with the Net of Light is creating yet more miracles.

“Each of you has a purpose you were born for, a purpose that you want and need to express. That purpose is love; this is the time to express it, and we will show you how.

“You were born to take part in this great uprising of Love that’s taking place all over the world. Now is the time. Today love is rising, truth is rising, and each one of you is being drawn to the Light. Trust what we are saying,” they said, “and enjoy this moment! You have waited a long, long time for it. So reach out today and embrace one another. Help each other hold steady as together you awaken to the great light that you are. We are holding you.”

~The Great Council of the Grandmothers, September 18, 2024.