Global Zoom Meetings

Frequency:  Monthly every 4th Tuesday at 11:00 pacific time

Go to if you are not sure at what time this meeting is held in your part of the world.

Description: In April 2023 the Grandmothers asked us to start meeting worldwide on Zoom

The energy changes on Earth continue to build. They are, in fact, multiplying. And at this time, many of us are feeling a welling up of longing, a desire for ‘more.’  We are yearning for more communing, more depth in meditation with the Grandmothers, and more coming together in our international Net of Light family. We want to help Mother Earth and one another. When I asked the Grandmothers for guidance on all this, they said:

“From where you stand, anchor the Net of Light deep, and strengthen the Fabric of Being of the Universe that stretches between you.  You can do this,” they said.  “You are JUST the ones to do this!  You, as a group, can do more to help at this time, and ‘more’ is needed now.

“We ask you to meet together on Zoom to ask, ‘Who wants to enlist in this project? Do you have the interest? The time? The willingness to move forward as a group to this end?’” Shaking their heads, the Grandmothers said, “Only volunteer for this project, if you want to give it time and attention. You will be creating a group of leaders for this purpose.  They added,

“Now is the time to work for the All.  To be there for one another. This will help each one stay steady during the times that are coming.To work with the people who live in these places on earth.  To work with each other’s places on earth—the waters, land, air, and energy there.

To work with the issues of these places—famine, drought, strife, selfishness, etc.

“We ask you to meet as a group on Zoom at least once a month. And from this group, you may form smaller groups as well, smaller groups that will work with specific areas or issues. What you do together will take the work of anchoring and strengthening the Light even further.

“Start with this and we will guide you.”


All meetings of this “Global Net of Light Zoom” will be open to all who feel the call to “be more”. Having read one of the books is recommended.

How to join:

To receive invitations for these Global zoom meetings, please contact a Beacon-host in your area, then she can add her to her mailing list for these monthly calls.

This meeting will be in English, however we will break out in smaller groups to share, which you can do in your native language if you prefer. For those participants wanting to join a language group other than English, please add a language code to your name (e.g. FR-Françine, DE-Nicole, NL-Anna ).