~The Great Council of the Grandmothers
“Dive into your heart and stay there!” the Grandmothers said, in a playful mood. “Go to your heart!” they ordered. “Stay there and feel the beauty living inside you. Let yourself be held and enfolded in grace…rocked in it,” they said. “And now rest there,” they gently directed me. “You are loved with a forever love that has no bounds.
“In this world, you are now living in, you will find little peace but lots of confusion and fear. But within your very being is the peace you are seeking. We are there inside you, and there we wait for you. You are great beauty itself,” they said, their eyes full of love, “you are our heart’s desire. You are The Beloved. Know this,” they said, “and stop your searching. You are home now. You have already arrived. Home is here. It is within you.
“Many of you think you must learn more, experience more, listen more to the great teachers, study more, meditate, and pray more. You think that somehow you are not quite enough just as you are. Well,” the Grandmothers said, “you can do all those things, but why not rest a bit in the wonder that’s living right inside you? Why not explore THAT for a bit?
“You have no idea of your own greatness, of your own richness and beauty. But we do!” they crowed. “We see you as you are, and we know what we are talking about because we have known you forever.
“You are our own, and we love you dearly,” the Grandmothers said. “Believe it! And revel in it! So take delivery of this love right now,” they said. “It’s your birthright. You were born for love. You were born to give it, receive it, and foster it. You ARE it! You are love,” they said. “That’s it.”
~Sharon and the Net of Light Team