Because you asked for work to do that would help the Earth and all life on Her, we have come.

Because you asked for work to do that would help the Earth and all life on Her, we have come.

August 13, 2024 Newsletter

“Because you asked for work to do that would help the Earth and all life on Her, we have come.”

—The Great Council of the Grandmothers

When the Grandmothers first appeared, they said: “Earth is in trouble. The basic energies on earth, what humans refer to as ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang,’ are out of balance. Today there is too much yang (the masculine principle of energy) and not enough yin, (the feminine principle of energy.) For a long time, earth has suffered from excess yang and insufficient yin and this imbalance has now placed all life in danger. Earth must return to balance now,” they said. “This is why we have come.

“At this time, women must lead,” they continued.” The human woman is a reservoir of yin energy for this planet. By her nature, she stores yin for everything that lives and yin must be infused back into the earth. The earth must return to balance,”  they said, “Females and males must return to harmony, and for this, women must lead.”

We who work with the Net of Light have heard the Grandmothers’ Call to Power and have received their Empowerment into the energy of Yin. We’ve passed this on to vast numbers of women and a few men so that now, throughout the world, people are working to restore the presence and power of yin.

It’s been almost thirty years since the Grandmothers first appeared, and in that time we’ve held meetings, Empowerments, Gatherings, and taught others how to work with the Net of Light. “Because you asked for work to do that would help the Earth and all life on Her, we have come,” the Grandmothers said. And because they asked us not to charge money for the work they’ve given us, we don’t. The Grandmothers’ Empowerment and the Net of Light are gifts we happily pass on.

The first time the Grandmothers spoke of the Net of Light, they said, “We are bringing to earth something of the sky now. It has been absent for a long time and it is needed at this time. This,” they said, “is the radiant Net of Light that will hold the earth during these times of change that are upon you. 

“Each person is a jewel within the Net of Light,” they explained, “so each one helps hold the Net together. Know the reality of this Net,” they said, “for by knowing it and being at one with it, you will do untold good.” The Net of Light, or Cosmic Web as scientists call it, is the largest construct in the Universe. Revered in indigenous cultures throughout the world as well as in the Hindu Vedas, it holds and supports all life. You are held. I am held. Everyone and everything is held. 

For a long time, although the Net of Light was present, it was dormant. But because we asked to be of service to the earth, the Grandmothers taught us how to activate and work with it to support life. The Net of Light is active now and each time we work with it, it brings greater peace and stability to the earth and great joy to us..


—the Great Council of the Grandmothers, August 13, 2024



Letter from Oregon

I felt such a wave of gratitude for the Grandmothers and their work today that I had to write and share it! In the 6 years I’ve been learning from the Grandmothers via the Grandmothers’ books and group meetings, I can see how I’ve deepened and grown. The feedback I’ve gotten from others is how peaceful they feel when they’re around me (!), and when I am leading groups (of any kind) I feel the energy of the Divine Sacred Feminine embracing us all and removing obstacles to connection. It is quite amazing, actually…When I think of the Grandmothers, there is a noticeable shift in the energy in the room, and people seem to come out a little dazed, but happy. Oh, Grandmothers!

This has shown up in my relationships with my two young grandsons also. The “holding” that Sharon talks about in her books really works wonders with them! When I go within and ask the GM for help to just hold whatever situation pops up with them, it is amazing how unexpected the outcomes may be, but they really work! For example, today I needed to get a lively, naked 3 year old to put clothes on. Instead of trying to use force (a useless endeavor), I held us both in that energy of the One Love and talked with him about this and that…and lo and behold, after a bit, he let me help him put his clothes on…and was happy about it! I don’t know how that happened, but I am making sure to thank the Grandmothers. 

“Peace. peace. peace…”

Mary from Portland