Weaving Stronger the Net of Light

Weaving Stronger the Net of Light

Weaving Stronger the Net of Light

From Peggy, Alabama, U.S.
Net of Light Meditation (Online Teaching 3/5/23)
Become calm at the very center of your being
all through the core of your body
and focus your attention in your heart space
this is our joint home this is where we come together as one
in the space of the heart we are one heart
one heartbeat of the Great Mother
and we remember our Union with one another through the Net of Light
the Net of Light is our great point of connection
it connects us all, so rest in that and breathe in that
breathe in the one love and the one light that we are
the peace that we are at the core of our being
and as we breathe out remember
that the Net of Light travels wherever our thoughts go
wherever our breath is thought of and needed light follows
light follows this loving thought our loving heartbeat wherever it needs
to go it goes out through the cosmos goes out through every being
on the planet every little thing every little thing every big thing
holding and enfolding all in love
and a sense of ease and easing of any sense of upset
at this time of tumult on our planet
and as we feel an upliftment because of the Net of Light
everyone else can feel it too there’s such a great calming beautiful
uniting sense of peace and ease
and we ask that the Net of Light be strengthened wherever it’s needed
it exerts the most strengthened and empowering energy
to those places needing more harmony more healing
all places where there is great suffering on the planet
and there are many now
and yet there is also a balm for this and it is the Net of Light
and love that we are connected with at this very moment
and we ask that each and every being receive exactly
what it most needs every human being
men women children infants at this moment what is needed
is provided for them every plant
every beloved animal every rock and mineral
all the devas the nature spirits
the elements Earth water fire air
all is held all is strengthened
all is secure all is safe
in this safety net of light and love
and love flows love flows everywhere
May everyone in all the worlds be happy
May everyone in all the worlds be happy
May everyone in all the worlds be happy


From members of the Eastern European Support Team:

From the bottom of our hearts, we send love streams to you and the Net of Light team, we thank you that your teaching helps us integrate into the connection with Life, with Nature. That helps us climb the stairs of life’s Creation with powerful steps for ourselves together with all manifestations of life—to the light. We climb to the Divine creator of all energy, we thank you for the divine fusion with yourself and all Creation.

With love, Western Lithuanian Net of Light

From Katie in California:

You MUST learn to love yourself. This is the most important thing you will
ever do, because everything else flows from it. When you have this self-love, you become a light, a beacon, an easer of the burdens in the lives of others, and it is effortless because when you do it for yourself, you do it for the world. This is the message of the Great Receiving.

From Billyo in the UK:

I know you feel the importance of your work and sometimes worry about the seemingly small number of participants to do such a massive amount. I would like you to know that there are many silent ones that have the message. I have the books and read them over. Always a new message to match where I am.

And I read your messages and try to live by the light, but I and I’m sure many like me work alone physically but but in harmony with you and the Grandmothers. So there are many more than you think. Just because we don’t turn up to the meetings doesn’t mean that we are less committed.
It’s all going according to plan and we’re growing as fast as our systems can cope.
Thank you for accepting the task and spreading the word so well.