Summary: Online Teaching, January 24, 2021

Summary: Online Teaching, January 24, 2021

Announcements of schedule changes:

The Online Teachings will from now on will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month.  And the Earth Balance Response work will be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.  

 The Earth Balance work will now be live-streamed through YouTube, so no more zoom invitations will be necessary.  Our next meeting will be on the first Wednesday of February, which is the 3rd, at 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.  

 All future meetings will be archived on the YouTube Channel and the Website in much the same way as the Online Teachings have been.

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Sharon acknowledges that we all have gone through a particularly rough time, and are now on smoother ground, in a new beginning.  Today’s Teaching will focus on how we can maximize our own good and service to others to the highest level as we are living ordinary lives.

Three women around the globe are on the meeting to share how they stand steady in these most unsteady of times.  Particularly, how they live the Grandmothers’ message on a day-to-day basis.

Lisa Jae, a Beacon in Maine, also manages the Net of Light Weavers, which collect special requests from our greater community to hold particular people or situations in the Net of Light.  She says that carrying out this responsibility is “like a touchstone” throughout her day.  She also chants, favoring “May all the beings in all the worlds be happy.”   And she “looks for the light in everyone she encounters.”

Lisa also uses much of the imagery that the Grandmothers have given in their books again as a kind of touchstone through her day (carrying around a “container” for example) as a reason to remember the Grandmothers and to anchor herself in the service of prayer.

Edie Von Hoose, a Beacon on Maui, begins each day with the ritual of opening her bedroom window and thanking god for the day, saying, “I feel the Grandmothers around me.”  Then, as she prepares to walk out into her day in the world, she again gathers the Grandmothers around her.   (Sharon describes how she often calls on the Grandmothers “patrol” to surround her and cap-off the top and bottom of a protective space to keep out the   “pain and anguish” left in older sacred sites while travelling.)

Jane Henderson, a Beacon in Rhode Island, shares how sometimes it can be a challenge to keep the Grandmothers present, but that “when I can’t walk in compassion, I sing:  Oh Grandmothers hear us calling, we your children are healing …” This leads her to look at what’s happening from a new perspective that allows her to “hand over the difficult times to the Grandmothers.”   She is left with a sense of peace.

Sharon amplified that we are not meant to play in the mud  (struggling with difficult situations or people), and that it is very helpful to hand such situations over to the Grandmothers.  She added that somehow the Grandmothers’ songs that pop into her head at such times are “psychic feeding material” and full of deep insights that help her with a current problem.  “It’s as if the Marines have already landed.”

Edie then shares the simple but powerful mudra (movement) of claiming sacred space.  “Place your left foot down, allow it to root into the earth, and likewise the right.  You become planted, steady.  You are claiming sacred space, saying I am a sacred being and nothing can blow me over. “

Sharon then affirms that we have all chosen to be here now to hold and anchor light, do what we can in service, and to take joy in participating in this work with one another.   All we need is a desire to love and a desire to serve.

We go in to ask the Grandmothers for guidance as to our next step, and discover we are all on our right path, being held and guided!

