The Grandmothers called us to connect the basic Four Elements of Life on Earth to the Net of Light at their Online Teaching on August 23. They’re asking this of us because at this point, not only is human life out of balance, but  all  life on earth is out of balance. On August 23 they gave us a taste of this work, and that will continue to reverberate in each person who participated in that Teaching.
(click HERE to see August 23 OnlineTeaching).
In order for this work with the Elements of Earth to accelerate, each of us is urged to include the elements in our daily Net of Light meditations. We’re being asked to reclaim our personal relationship with Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. And to begin, you can simply invite the elements in a similar way that you ask the Ancestors of the light to join you in casting the Net.
i.e. humbly invite the elemental spirits of nature to join you and be supported by the Net of Light and love. Then invite the elements of Water, Air, Earth and Fire to also be held in the loving embrace of the Net. Hold and enfold these elements within yourself. Embrace them with love as the Net of Light and the Grandmothers hold you.
Hold the water in your veins and cells, the air in your breathing, the earth in your body and bones, and the fire in your heart. Notice how it feels for you to relate to the Elements personally in this way. Be curious about this new way of relating and trust in the Net of Light to hold you all. Then, continue on — doing the work you usually do with the Net of Light. 
The Grandmothers are now calling us to this work.
We are their feet on the ground, their hands that give, and their hearts that beats for all. And because this is true, through us this great healing and harmonizing work with the elements on earth can take place. It is time. Because you are formed of these four basic elements, all that is now being healed within you will harmonize and relate to the elements throughout the world. You yourself provide the microcosm within the macrocosm so that this can take place It is truly amazing what great good each of us can do now.
The Grandmothers will give us more to do with the elements in their next Online Teaching on Sept. 6. But this is enough for now. Get to work!   
To connect to our next Sept 6 Online Teaching,
which will air at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time,
click HERE.
For more information on working with the Net of Light, or about the return of the Divine Feminine, go to,
~ The Net of Light Team ~